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steal攻略(steal 攻略)

时间:2022-04-04 14:55:43




"Creeper?",“苦力怕?”,"Awww man!","喔,不要提起他好吗!”,So way back in the mine,我们进入矿坑,Got our pickaxe swinging from side to side,拿着十字镐准备挖矿,Side,side to side...这里挖挖,那里挖挖,This task's a grueling one , hope to find some diamonds tonight,night,night,有个艰苦的任务--希望今晚能挖到钻石,就是今天晚上,Diamonds tonight...钻石之夜~,Heads up,抬起头,You hear a sound , turn around and look up,你听见声音,转身并抬头,Total shock fills your body,汗毛竖起,瞳孔放大~,Oh no it's you again , I could never forget those eyes,eyes,eyes,喔,不!又是那个家伙,我永远都忘不了那双眼睛,那双眼睛,眼睛,Eyes,eyes,eyes...那..那双..那双眼睛,Cause baby tonight , the creeper's trying to steal all our stuff again,宝宝们,因为今晚,苦力怕打算再次偷袭我们,Cause baby tonight , you grab your pick , shovel and bolt again , bolt again(gain),宝宝们,因为今晚,翻箱倒柜还是只有破铜烂铁,破铜烂铁,And run,run until it's done,done , until the sun comes up in the morn',跑,再跑,继续跑,直到他停...停下来,直到太阳升起,Cause baby tonight , the creeper's trying to steal all our stuff again , stuff again(gain),宝宝们,因为今晚,苦力怕还是打算试着再次偷袭我们,再次偷袭我们,Just when you think you're safe , overhear some hissing from , right behind,当你以为安全的时候,嘶嘶声却在背后响起,就在背后!Right,right behind...在...在背后...就在背后!That's a nice life you have ,shame it's gotta end at this time,time,time,虽然这种生活也不赖,但是羞辱总得结束啊,在...在现在...就在现在,Time,time,time , time...在...在现在...就在现在,Blows up , then your health bar drops and you could use a 1-up,轰的一声,你的血量掉了一大截,你最好吃点东西回点血,Get inside , don't be tardy,最好不要吃得太晚,So now you are stuck in there , half a heart is left but don't die,die,die,你现在倒在那里,扣了一般的血差点就要挂掉,要...要挂了...差点就要挂了,Die,die,die...要...要挂了...差点就要挂了,Cause baby tonight , the creeper's trying to steal all our stuff again,宝宝们,因为今晚,苦力怕还是打算试着再次偷袭我们,再次偷袭我们,Cause baby tonight , you grab your pick , shovel and bolt again,bolt again(gain),宝宝们,因为今晚,翻箱倒柜还是只有破铜烂铁,破铜烂铁,And run,run until it's done,done , until the sun comes up in the morn',跑,再跑,继续跑,直到他停...停下来,直到太阳升起,Cause baby tonight , the creeper's trying to steal all our stuff again,宝宝们,因为今晚,苦力怕还是打算试着再次偷袭我们,"Creepers , you're mine , haha",“苦力怕,你是我的了,哈哈(^o^)/~”,"Dig up diamonds , and craft those diamonds and make some armour , get it baby",“拿挖到的钻石,制成盔甲和武器,得到它们”,"Go and forge that like you so , MLG pro , the sword's made of diamonds , so come at me bro",“去发掘就像你这种,MLG pro,这把剑可是钻石做的,所以现在阔以计划攻略了”,"Huh",哈哈,"Training in your room under the torchlight , hone that form to get you ready for the big fight",在房间里火把的火光下训练,为了即将到来的战斗做准备,"Every single day and the whole night , Creeper's out prowlin' , hmm - alright",每日每夜,这段时间爬出来的所有苦力怕,"Look at me , look at you , take my revenge that's what I'm gonna do",看看我,再看看你自己,复仇时间到,我要做我该做的事,"I'm a - warrior baby , what else is new ? And my blade's gonna tear (Cause baby tonight,) through you , bring it",我现在已经成为一个战士了,你准备尝尝被碎尸万段的滋味吧,The creeper's trying to steal our stuff again ("Get all your stuff ?" ),宝宝们,因为今晚,苦力怕还是打算试着再次偷袭我们(准备好了吗?开战吧!),"Yeah , let's take back the world" (Yeah baby tonight , ),耶,来吧!(宝宝们,就在今晚),"Hahhah",哈哈,Grab your sword , armour and go,拿起你的剑,穿上盔甲,"It's on",去吧,Take your revenge ("Woooo"),去复仇吧,Ahhoahh,嗷嗷嗷嗷~,So fight,fight like it's the last,last night of your life,life (ahhahah) show them your bite,所以战斗,再战斗,让噩梦结束,让它结束,让他们消失在你的人生里,给他们点颜色瞧瞧,"Wooo",哇喔~,Cause baby tonight , ("Ahhhhahaahaaah") the creeper's trying to steal all our stuff again,宝宝们,因为今晚,苦力怕又尝试偷袭我们,Cause baby tonight , you grab your pick , shovel and bolt again,bolt again(gain) ("wooo"),宝宝们,因为今晚,翻箱倒柜还是只有破铜烂铁,破铜烂铁,And run,run until it's done,done , until the sun comes up in the morn',再跑,继续跑,直到他停...停下来,直到太阳升起,Cause baby tonight , the creeper's trying to steal all our stuff again ("C'mon , swing your sword at 'em C'mon,just show 'em all"),宝宝们,因为今晚,苦力怕又尝试偷袭我们(去吧,挥起你的剑,给他们点颜色瞧瞧),"Woooo",“哇哦”,


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